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Wohnzimmerslam- Jahresfinale

Juni 24 , 19:00 - 21:30

In the organizer’s words:

Our big annual finale is coming up: all the winners of the season will compete against each other again. Anyone who has won our cozy poetry slam at Taranta Babu in the last 12 months automatically qualifies for the annual final and gets the chance to compete for a starting place at the NRW Poetry Slam Championships. Your season favorites in one line-up – how great is that?

The usual slam rules still apply: all texts must be self-written, work within a 6-minute time limit and be performed without props. Because there are no other thematic or formal guidelines, the performances are as varied as the poets themselves. It will be lyrical, funny, political, personal – you name it! The audience uses scoreboards to decide who they like best and thus becomes the annual winner of the living room.

We strive to make our events as safe as possible so that everyone feels comfortable and can participate in art and culture. Any form of discrimination has no place here. In order to live up to this claim, we have an awareness person on site who is available at all times during the event to answer questions, criticism and concerns. Above all, we want to help create safer spaces for LGBTQIA+ where no one has to pretend. So come as you are: colorful, loud, great, however you feel comfortable.

Admission starts at 6 pm and the event begins at 7 pm. Admission is based on the donation principle „Pay what you want“.

Wohnzimmerslam- Jahresfinale


Juni 24
19:00 - 21:30


Kulturhaus Taranta Babu
Amalienstraße 33
Dortmund, 44137 Germany
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