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Wohnzimmerslam- Comedyausgabe

Februar 25 , 19:00 - 21:15

In the organizer’s words:

Had enough of world-weariness and stressful everyday life? We got you!

This month we’re hosting a comedy special of our cosy living room slam at Taranta Babu. That means: fun, fun, fun!

All performers have 6 minutes to make the audience laugh: no matter whether with usual slam text, stand-up bits, 17 flat jokes or an absurd story. You decide who gets to compete against each other again in the final and who takes home the victory.

The Wohnzimmerslam has stood for live literature, young culture and accessible entertainment for over 10 years. With a large, diverse team of art enthusiasts, every edition of this poetry slam is new and exciting. There is a moderation duo that leads through the evening with jokes and authenticity, snacks that we pass through the rows and delicious entertainment, of course!

We strive to make our events as safe as possible so that everyone feels comfortable and can easily participate in culture. Any form of discrimination has no place here. Humour doesn’t have to go down, and we celebrate clever jokes!

In order to live up to this claim, we always have an awareness person on site who is available for questions, criticism and unexpected emotions. So come as you are: colourful, loud, queer, alone, with your significant other(s), (chosen) family or first date hihi- we look forward to seeing you!

6 pm admission, 7 pm start

Admission for a donation <3

Wohnzimmerslam- Comedyausgabe


Februar 25
19:00 - 21:15


Kulturhaus Taranta Babu
Amalienstraße 33
Dortmund, 44137 Germany
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